C U R R E N T A C A D E M I C A P P O I N T M E N T S:

2018- present: Northshore Community College, Danvers, MA. Dept. of Cultural Arts/ Visual Studies
Associate Professor, Full-Time, Tenured Spring 2023

2015-present: Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill, MA. Dept. of Fine Arts
Adjunct Professor

V I S I T I N G  A R T I S T/ Artist in Residence:
2013-2109: Chautauqua Institution, School of Visual Arts, Chautauqua, NY.

S E L E C T E D E X H I B I T I O N S :

2024: Brandeis University Alumni Gallery, Waltham, MA. ‘Classmates: Bonnie Ashmore and Pedro Barbeito’ (2 person)

Chautauqua Visual Arts @ Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY. ‘Continuum: Alums of CVA’

Denison Museum @ Denison University, Granville, OH. ‘The Future is not Binary

The Gallery at 599 Canal, Lawrence, MA. ‘Community

Dianne Pappas Studio, Lawrence, MA. ‘Intermission'

PEG Center for Art and Activism, Newburyport, MA. ‘Queer Here'

SGC International Print Conference, Providence, RI. ‘Disability Visibility

2023: The Gallery at 599 Canal, Lawrence, MA. ‘Open Studios Member’s Show’

2022: Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA. 'Tenth Annual Member's Exhibition'

Linda Hummel-Shea ArtSpace, Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill, MA.

'pARTners': NECC and UML Art & Design Faculty

2021: Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA. 'Ninth Annual Member's Exhibition'

2020: Prince Street Gallery, NYC. ‘12th National Juried Exhibition’

2019: Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA. 'Eighth Annual Member's Exhibition'

2018: Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA. 'Seventh Annual Member's Exhibition'

2017: Peabody Essex Museum, Salem MA. Present Tense Initiative Collaboration with ‘WOW: World of Wearable Art’

Fowler-Kellogg Art Center, Chautauqua, NY. '60th Chautauqua Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art'

Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA. 'Sixth Annual Member's Exhibition'

2016: North Shore Unitarian Universalist, Danvers, MA. 'Origins' (SOLO)

300 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA. ‘Bonnie Ashmore-Davis: new works’ (SOLO)

Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI. 'Flint Water Crisis'

Strohl Art Center, Chautauqua, NY. '59th Chautauqua Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art’ JURIED BY: Steven Harvey and Jennifer Samet

Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA. ‘Fifth Annual Member’s Exhibition’

Art in Giving Gallery, Boston, MA. ‘Spring and Joy’

2015. Mount Auburn Healthcare at Waltham, MA. ‘Emanations’ (SOLO)

Art in Giving Gallery, Boston, MA. ‘Art and Healing’ (2 person)

Art in Giving Gallery, Boston, MA. 'Perceptions'

Aeronaut, Somerville, MA. 'Neighbors'

2014. Strohl Art Center, Chautauqua, NY. '57th Chautauqua Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art ' JURIED BY: Jerry Saltz

Boston Public Library: Allston-Honan Branch, Boston, MA. 'Emanations: Paintings by Bonnie Ashmore-Davis’ (SOLO)

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA: 'Illuminations'

Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI: 'Printmaking: Art, Process, Community'

Nave Gallery Annex, Somerville, MA: 'Love Shack'. JURIED BY: Bill Kouwenhoven

Weeks Gallery, SUNY Jamestown Commnity College: 'Printmaking: Art, Process, Community’

Craig Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: 'Redux' curated by Teto Elsiddique

2013. River Bridge Gallery, Ipswich, MA. 'Lux: New Paintings and Prints by Bonnie Ashmore-Davis' (SOLO)

Pingree School, South Hamilton, MA. 'Cuvilly Earth and Arts Center Benefit Auction’

2009. Link Gallery, Rowley, MA. ‘Bonnie Ashmore-Davis: Paintings’ (SOLO)

2008. Visual Arts Center at Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY. ‘12X12X100 Benefit Show

2006. Carol Schlosberg Alumni Gallery, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA. ‘Faculty Exhibit’

2005. Carol Schlosberg Alumni Gallery, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA.

Interconnection: Work by Montserrat Pre-College Faculty’

2004. Red Brick Studio, Beverly, MA. ‘Textures: Old and New'

2003. Vernon Street Studios, Somerville, MA. ‘Open Studios’

E D U C A T I O N:

American University, Washington, DC. M.F.A. Painting with Printmaking Concentration. 1998.

Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Painting. 1996.

Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. B.A. , Fine Arts, Minors in French Language and Education. Magna Cum Laude with Honors in Fine Arts. 1993.

Accademia di Belle Arti Petro Vannucci, Perugia, Italy. Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Fresco Studies. Summer 1997.

Chautauqua Institution for the Arts, Chautauqua, NY. Drawing, Painting and Printmaking Studies. Summers 1992 & 1995.

L’Institut des Universités Américains, Centre d’Études Françaises, Avignon, France. French language and literature studies. 1992.

Membership/Representation/Professional Organizations:

599 Studios, Lawrence, MA

CAA, College Art Association

Cambridge Art Association, Cambridge, MA

MCCC, Massachusetts Community College Council

MTA, Massachusetts Teacher’s Association

NEA, National Education Association

SECAC (formerly the Southeastern College Art Conference)

SGC International (Southern Graphics Council International)

Women Made Gallery, Chicago, IL

P R E S E N T A T I O N S / P A P E R S:

Jan. 2025: Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. ‘Classmates: with artist Bonnie Ashmore

Oct. 2021: SECAC Conference, Chicago, IL. ‘Origins: Nature as Source from Apothecary to Studio’ (canceled due to COVID)

April 2021: Arts in April, Northshore Community College (online): ‘Monoprint: Discussion and Demonstration’

Nov. 2019: Northshore Community College, Danvers, MA. LS2 Lecture Series with Dr. Dien Ho. ‘An Artist and a Philosopher Go to the Doctor’

July 2019: Chautauqua Institution,Chautauqua, NY: VACI Lecture Series: ‘Bonnie Ashmore & Sam Peck’

April 2017: Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA: ‘Bonnie Ashmore: The Scarf Project’ (in conjunction with the WOW exhibit)

P U B L I C A T I O N S / P U B L I C I T Y :

Full Exhibition Returns to ArtSpace  by Melissa Bouse, March 2022
Peabody Essex Museum: The Scarf Project, Artist Bonnie Ashmore VIDEO
Boston Magazine: ‘The Peabody Essex Museum and Mass General Are Taking Art Out of the Gallery’ by Jamie Ducharme: 2/2017
The Jewish Journal: ‘Time for WOW at PEM’ by Sheila Barth: March 2017.
Newsroom at Northern Essex Community College: ‘Art Professor’s Work Featured in Museum’s “Scarf Project” Massachusetts General Hospital: 'Illuminations'. Calendar published 2015.
Dartmouth Medical School Journal : Lifelines. Fall 2013. Poem:  'Il Diavolo Rosso'.
Art Scene Unseen’ by Patricia Briggs, Director of the Weeks Gallery, Jamestown, NY.
Ipswich Artist Seeks to Make Cancer Drugs ‘Beautiful’ by Dan McAlpine

A W A R D S:

Sy's Fund Grant

The Graduate Review, Art Award, American University

Graduate Merit Award Fellowship

Deborah Joseph Cohen Memorial Art Award