Explorations on the origins of pharmaceuticals in nature.
To learn more about this series, and Bonnie’s collaboration with the Peabody Essex Museum, click here:
'Dulce et Decorum Est', acrylic on birch panel, 20" x 24"
'Flux', acrylic on birch panel, 36" x 24"
'Taxus Brevifolia', acrylic on birch panel, 18" x 20"
'Il Diavolo Rosso', acrylic on birch panel, 16" x 20"
'Hush', acrylic on birch panel, 18" x 24"
'Blue Crest' , acrylic on birch panel, 20" x 24"
'Taxus Brevifolia II', acrylic on birch panel, 24" x 18"
'Viser Bien I', acrylic on birch panel, 16" x 20"
'Viser Bien III', acrylic on birch panel, 16" x 20"